Organizations must respond to changes in their internal and external environment in order to survive. The term ‘morphing organization’ is used to reflect that although the organization changes, some elements of the organization need to remain the same to maintain the organization’s identity. As an organization changes, the context in which information is managed also […]
Organizational Transformation
What is an Organization Architecture?
An organization architecture is a model that represents the main components of an organization. The model can be used to assess the impact of change on an organization. For example, if an organization plans to introduce new information technology, the organization architecture can be used to identify which elements of the organization may be affected […]
What Business Are You in?
In an article in the Harvard Business Review Michael Porter and James Heppelmann ask organizations to reflect on the question ‘What business are you in?’
Managing Information About Carrier Bags
From the 20th October 2014 organizations in Scotland are required to charge customers a minimum of five pence for single-use carrier bags. Organizations are also required to manage information about carrier bags.